Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is What I've Researched For

www.aadesignbuild.com, Film Critic's Home Offi...(I want lots of bookcases, but this isn't our house) Image by A&A Design Build Remodeling, Inc. via Flickr
After talking with a friend who drafts house plans for a living, we've decided that we're at a point where we need to finalize the house design and layout. The first step is up to me. Here's some background.

Ever since we bought our lot, I've been planning and designing our house. I've had so many incarnations of the thing, dozens in fact. So now that it's all going to actually move forward, I need to go back through all of those versions, all of my research and ideas, all of my notes and house books, and come up with The Final Version. This is easier said than done. I've learned so much over the years, and internalized so many details, that I've forgotten what stood out earlier as important. I hope to be able to figure this all out as quickly as possible, but I'm very busy in some other realms, too.

After I've finalized plans, making sure everything Ed wants is in there, too, then we can go on to the "real" drafting. I use a program called Punch! Professional Home Design which is, obviously, designed for this kind of thing. However it doesn't create, exactly, the kinds of files that builders need to build from. So it's great for some stuff, for getting ideas quickly set up and for thinking about what parts actually go into a house, but it will need to be turned into a set of .dwg files by either Ed or our friend. That will be step two. Then we can start shopping for builders.

We don't have a deadline for all of this, but we'd like to take advantage of the fact that builders need work right now and so their prices should be lower.
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